

so the 411 is that I just finished my essay on post modernism. Basically I rambled and it turned into this really shite essay with awhole lot of deep questions that I could not find answers to. Oh yeah and I patronised Yves Klein stating he had a "perchant for a particular shade of blue".

I have been awake for a long time now perhaps 20 hours, maybe a little less. only just thought. I am on auto pilot waiting for something decent to come on tv. Some stand up comedy bullshit. Don't ask me why, I just feel the need to support Australian teev tonight, and the abc makes me feel loved, and it's late, and laughter is healing as the knowledgable Courier Mail stated yersterday.

Going to see the Virgin Sucides tomorrow. The Sophia Copolla film, sounds like a great flick, but you never know,, Kirsten Dundst can be a little dodgy, then again casting Cameron Diaz in Being John Malkovitch was dodgy looking but it worked,, and really well too. I havn't seen a film for a while, well cinema wise, I just hate all that US bullshit thats out, the big budget flick with special affects, they fucking shit me,,they bore me to tears, I would rater watch paint dry, a much more cintellatign experince would be had.

I often hear people say "I lurveeeeee student films" but how mnayb of them have ever seen a student film? Yes soemtimes they are good, but when they are bad, they are very bad, ver very bad indeed. Mostly you need a blurb for these films, you know an explanation. Much like the patty-Batticciotto effort of film classics "Killer Bunnies" that was made in late 1999. A student classic yet without a by line is nothing.

All films should have blurbs and every fucking frankie in this city should leave me the fuck alone and stop telling me about their thwarted past in the media/radio/tv/theatre or general arts. I don't care of you once owned a radio station and are now a fucking millionare, will you just fucking let my drink coffee and do my show in piece??

Please, fucking please. .

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