

"Does he ever get the girl" Dashboard Confessional

Tonight's Music: Old Old Whitlams circa 1995

Toight's Nail Colour: Rose foil

This weekend just passed we went to the Gold Coast. Amy drove, the sun was bright and the music was the perfect mix of radiohead laced with Destiny's Child (yes I can't refuse their Booty tunes).

It was warm for winter and we shopped and I bought giant pearls and pale pink kitten heels.

We stayed in a lovely hotel with even lovlier still porters *giggles*

Drank. Went to clubs. Came down, ate pancakes and shopped some more.

Drove home as the storms began to roll across the sea and the hills flashed with lightning


On these planned trips it seems I always come to some profound realisation, some thought that makes my focus somewhat clearer or much much more clouded. It's always the coast too., It must be something in the air.

We went to a few clubs and they were so differnt to in my city. The women were aged majority around 28-30. And they were mean bitches. It was like they treated every saturday night as 'THEIR LAST CHANCE TO FIND A MAN'.

It was both irritating and heartwrenching.

Dressed in clothes too tight, too young and too catwalk to be attractive they stood in droves, like doughnuts waiting to be plucked off the shelf.

Handbags laden with potions and make-up, their hair set just so. Dancing awkwardly as to not mess up their hair, and to give them full man meeting potential.

It made me angry because it was so pathetic and naturally they are my competition and I felt they didn't belong there, as we walked from club to club I found myself just swearing stating "ladies you are far too old for this, you are passssssst it!!!!!".

My night ended with an altercation with yet another blonde handbag wielding thirty something.

She was moving in on my terriotory, so I kinda keept moving bakwards and shooting her deadly looks. Then after getting throughly pissed off I took I giant step backwards and rammed right into her.

She turned around with a look of fury and opened her mouth to let fly.

Before she could I put my hand in front of her face and said "hey you know what FUCK THE GOLD COAST!!!" and turned on my heel and walked out, friends in tow.

I was angry.

Then later I got sad for them. What if I would turn out like them? What if I too at 30, hadn't found the one? It scares me more than anything. Dying alone, all your friends partnered up, you alone in your perfect aprtment, with your perfect life, still alone. And even the boy at the juice bar has found someone to be with.

So Do I ever get to Boy????


the then the now