

"yeah you're pretty good lookin... for a girl but your back is so broken, and this feeling is going linger on till the year 25 25 Now!" The White Stripes

Tonigh'ts Music: Dollar bar

Tonigh'ts Mood: Holidays, and the useless nature of things.

Well in the words of the Ramones, after eating that chicken Vindaloo I wanna be with you.....

I caught this news report. Now they have banned all sharp things on planes. Like nail scissors, box cutters, nail files. Shit like that.


when did such things become weapons.

Now they have plastic knives in the departure lounges.

These are still sharp. Should they not be banned also.

Where do you draw the line Huh?

Tell me Mr Bureaucrat.

Because you may as well make us eat with out hands, knaw on our food to break it down into edible portions. Like animals.

Perhaps the animals that you consider us.

I am not usually one for free will, like rampant free will but really. Let us eat with fucking real cutlery. Let us enjoy our food, because it's all some of us feel is reality.

There is always eating and defecating, perhaps when there is nothing more.


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