

"You impressed me, by being only 17, then you depressed me by being seriouser than me" Milky Wimpshake

Tonight's mood: OVERWHELMED!!!!!

Tonight's Music: Advocado Baby

Tuesday. They are the best. If it ever becomes legal to marry a day of the week. I am going to marry Tuesday. No, moreso I am going to name my first born Tuesday, be it male or female.

So I went to UNI. Met Robert (pop boys best friend) on the bus. Went to the lecture, and who did we sit with, thats right POP BOY.

I was basically sitting and quiety swooning.

Then he suggested we leave early.

we did.

As we were walking out Pop Boy said "Hey, Robbie never introduced us, I'm Daniel" and reaches out to shake my hand.

So he has a name. And it's a good name.

We met up with the girl I had named Scandinavian Bitch. She is actually just a chick named Claire who has a boyfriend and is quite lovely. Non threateneing. Which is good.

Then we all went for coffees etc.

He was overwhelming. I struggle to remember the brilllance that came from his perfect mouth.

He admits to modelling his haircut on Jarvis Cocker from Pulp and Rivers from Weezer.

He adores Devo. he wants to start a political party at UNI called the "whipp its" and dress ala the film clip. a party based on semi interreptational dance, and him standing on a box.

He has the same huge nerd glasses that utterly adorable Simon from Sekiden wears.

He said "on the first day I move to Queesland, I was wearing these glasses and my blue converse, fuck, did I make friends" awwwww. He had trouble fiting in a school.... he wasn't accepted.

He hates the jock party at UNI yet admits to readily going to their $8 all you can drink campain parties.

He is scared of driving a car, says they scare him and he'd like a bike likeall the postman drive.

He uses the work 'emsemble' to desribe what he is wearing

He plans his outfits before he goes to bed.

He lost all his UNI notes because a drink at the pub turned into all night and on the bus home he threw up into his backpack. And said he spent most of sat morning apologising to the Powerpuff girls that hang off the backpack.

This is just what I can remember, there is so much more.

He is beautiful.

Everything and more, and now at least he knows my name.

I send you all love, because I wish that you all could share my excitment, the butterflies in my stomach, and going to bed, hoping that tomorrow would come quicker.

"I only even want to go go dance with you, you're the dream boy of my bedroom poster, now we're on a rollar coaster ride" Kylie


the then the now