

"and all the punks do what they are told is the punk thing to do" Milky Wimpshake

Tonight's Music: Milky Wimpshake

Tonight's Mood: Sunday fluffy clouds and drives

There is this line in a Milky Wimpshake song that goes "1988 was great, yeah 1988 was great... now I've got alot of suspicious about the human race" . In 1988 I was about 5 years old, I played with my rainbow brite doll and watched the care bears every morning before school, my hair was in two identical pigtails and I wore denim dresses with strawberry patches on them and socks with ruffles of lace trim.

I like to remember those times, and I realise that now I spend my days searching for that happiness and when it happens, I cherish it by writing it in here and remembering it on the bus, I didn't do that then cause I knew that each day would be just as happy as the last and the only thing that could spoil my fun was running out of fruitloops for breakfast.

And now I go to thrift stores in search of Rainbow Brite and carebear items. I adore anything with strawberries on it and am looking for the perfect fitting demin overall dress.

I have Peter Pan syndrome and it's taking over my whole existance.

But I don't care.

Last night I went to Lauren's just like old times when we were 7 and we mucked around and ate candy and watched The Excorcist.

I fell asleep waiting for my ride home with her cat Minty, who we named after our favorite story book, purring on my lap.

Marni called and was eating mashed potatoes, and it's giving me a hankering for it.

This weekend coming is going to be good, and will erase all thoughts of distant emails and band boys......

Anna put everything into persepective when she called from the airport and said "well we are back to our original plan for the summer, it's you me and cheap champers" and you know what... I can't fucking wait.

"I keep myself amused I keep it to myself it's not that I'm confused, I just know it's not a normal thing to be interested in" The Lucksmiths


the then the now