

"You've forgotten your CUl-CHA" The Salteens

Tonights mood: befitting of any salteens track

It's a very salteens mood. Drifty and happy and hazy and nice.

Drinking lots of tea and ripping apart loaves of cheap bread with my brother in front of the christmas tree.

It's rainy which mean I got some amount of sleep after radio because the builders weren't hammering and clanging away and drinking those strong iced coffees that by 10 am send them crazy, yelling and smashing bits of wood around.

I wore too much pink to work. pink pearls, and pink nails and pink ribbons and pink earrings. and pink lips and lids. They didn't dare say a word to me, because The False Nail Brigade's talons are much more offensive then my entire ensemble.

I said I was planning on wearing pink out tomorrow night. Pink for the weekend. But ratling has inspired me to be pirate. PIE-RAT! maybe just black and white and red. maybe.... some stripes and a tiny skirt at the least. this might not come together... it might not look pirate... it might just look mod but that could be good too. Dark eyes and red lips. More punk rock than pink.

I guess that will give me something to think about and pass the hours when filing and typing at work tomorrow.

ohhh happiness..... it's all good.....

because I can now call the boy that turns my world mine.


the then the now