

Two instances today shook me from my static state

Incident One (the resident store Albanian crazy woman at my work)

She is standing in one corner brushing her hair, letting it all fall over some bread, as I am walking from the office I see this, kinda give her a quizzical look as if to say 'what the fuck are you doing lady, thats icky' and then smile . she stares right through me then walks up to me and there is only this barrier seperating us and starts screaming in her heavy accent 'You think this is funny to laff at me" "you like laffing at me' and continues just shrieking for about 2 minutes. veryone in the area was staring so I just put up my hands and said "no no" and walked away.

Then later when I was up another end of the store she snuck up behind me and started screaming at me again. this time I spun around and said "Listen easy fella EASY" and walked away with her still screaming. I don't get paid enough to deal with crazy people, crazy people who I do not even provoke.

Incident Two

Little Boy: Hey laddddyyyy

Me: yes little guy?

Boy: What does this do

me: it's a piece of tape cause this place is falling apart

Boy: laddyyyyy whats your name

Me: megan. whats yours?

Boy: James

Me: How was school today then?

Boy: yep

Me: was it good or was it just yep?

Boy: it was just good

Me: what did you do?

Boy: yep

Me: you did yep??

Boy: yep is this ladddddyyyyy

He then proceeds to do this crazy dance with arms flapping and smacking his butt. after about 30 seconds I grab his arm and make him still. then he looks at me and says

"hey ladddddyyy I'm lost."

I then lost it in puddles of tearful laughter and spent the last few minutes of my shift trying to relocate his mum.


should the image change

would the rest look better

surface dissolves skin and bone

revealing all yyour flaws

it might be better

if i left you now

talk for hours

first impressions last

and cast shadows on the rest

should the image change

would the rest look better

it does explain a second chance

i keep it all inside

it might be better

if i left you now

talk for hours

but it doesn't change

this feeling won't go away - Elastica

I am The Friendly Gal!
My smile will brighten your day. I'm always there to help and everyone comes to me with their secrets. People trust me and my sweet face.
I'm not stupid, I know that my friendly, trustworthy demeanor helps give me the upper hand in getting what I want. Wheeee!

What kind of beauty are you? find out at Swimmingly!


the then the now