

Gav_Rockin_: Do you Megan take THE STROKES to be your lawfully wedded husbands?

Film Star Pretty: I dooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! oooh oooh oooh!

Gav_Rockin_: Yer Cute

Film Star Pretty: You know it!

I promise not to laugh when he dances seriously to Brittney

He entertains my endless stupid questions

I laugh at his impersonations and re telling of 1980's sketches

He takes me to the pet store to play with kittens

I buy him candy and take out the ones he hates

He makes me mix cds and includes one song I really hate

I tell him to cut his hair

He tells me to grow mine

I tell him that he's lame

He tells me that I'm lamer

and we both agree that pop songs make it better and it's nice to be the best of friends.


the then the now