

"If I could go back in time, you know I wouldn't change a thing.... I wonder what you find so attractive, I've never seen you looking so excited... but lets just leave it at one third each cause we both want something so far out of reach" The Whitlams

Today I heard a girl talking about how inspid she found the word outfit, but without actually putting her argument elequently enough to use the term insipid. I don't deny her the 'right' to wear those dreaded one shoulder shirts and tastless clips in her hair. no.

but given half the chance, sure I'll bitch about her ugly attire, but only loud enough for my companion to hear.

moreso. I fucking hate post rock

okay, there I have said it.

can we move on to the next new school cool genre?

I heard 80's new wave disco trance is up for a resurgance.

no I am not terribly happy right now, no I am not okay. But thank-you for asking.


the then the now