

"Give me back my dreams, I've been counting these sheep since I can't remember when. Give me back my sleep I'll be dreaming of you till I wake up crying again. I have lain awake through the longest hours wondering whether to cry or scream. You can take my heart, it was always yours but give me back my dreams. When the clock strikes three I don;t care anymore about you or anything. When the clock strikes four I could sell my soul just to hear my telephone ring.... You don't have to talk to me the way we used to talk for hours. We don't have to talk at all but can I send you flowers?" - The 6ths

*le sigh* Stephen Merritt. Ooooooosssst.

Current Obesessions: Audrey style clothing, Stephen Merritt in various guises, Le Tigre, Lashfinity (Miss Marni, I am HOOKED. Viva la Eyelashes!!), Strawberry freddo frogs, Emo boys a plenty in this town, Building records, boys on heat, wanting to model, adventures with ghosts of love past..... and clean cut groomed togetherness.

this is me. barely 18 nearly 19.

it's funny that what I hate most about her, is the parts I see in myself.

the parts I hate most become the most blatent and promising in her.

in the girl that this whole city seems to adore,

perhaps their admiration is slipping of late, perhaps she ain't the girl they think she is

and perhaps this is what scares me most. that I am not the girl they think I am....

Sometimes I feel like such a fake, then I think..... but this is the truth because there are many Megans.


the then the now