

"You're not that honest and you're not that nice, but if I kiss you once I'm going to kiss you twice" - Kylie

After Listening to Kylie non-stop I have realised just how much Fever is reminiscent of Ladytron. And thats very very lovely indeed.

Everything falling into place, I feel like a lucky girl, maybe it's just because it's my birthday month and nice things happen astrologically...


Is it strange and perfect...

everything happens for a reason

I'm just going to say it

and be it

and love it

and you can join in this love charade

find that girl

be that boy

reach for his hand

touch the leaves as they fall in puddles and remember to feel it

How things change in one instant

how your world view alters

and you are left running hassled hands through messy hair

staring at your bedroom eyes

Stamping out cigarette butts

with heels

before class.

Downing your drink before the sun sets

all the time wishing you were here.

"Heart beating faster and work is a disaster" -kylie


the then the now