

"There's times when I want something more

Some thing more like me

There's times when this dress rehearsal

seems incomplete" - Gwen Stefani.

I have found a new gulity pleasure.

It takes the form of one sexy lady with a pinned back curl and lashings of lashes.

Yes. It's No Doubts new album. Christ.

Shall we add up my gulity pleasures?

Pink/Destiny's Child/ Kylie/Sex and The City/Bad Docos/Teen films/Shoes/bad accessories/Bad Rap backing music/nights out with lauren/bacardi/anything remotly 80's and synthy/bed socks.

Still listening to Gwen and pals and my gosh it's turned all synthy and very very Blondie... gush gush..

"Running running as fast as we can

Help me up

Don't let me fall out of love

Be the one I need

Be the one I trust more

Don't stop inspiring me

don't make me want to give up"

yeah yeah yeah. slap them in the face pretty lady.

"Our love is like Punish-ment

Homegirl here to repre-sent"

*he he*

*sigh* smitten and swoony for reasons out of reach.. this is me right now... and be warned... it's our rules...

Endless possibilites

no more broken dreams

kiss me hard

and be there tomorrow

Until I wave you goodbye


the then the now