

oh oh oh..

Last week a messy letter was sent to Paris.

In that text came a thousand questions and less answers as the writing grew sloppier and the paper more crinkled.

Time and Image.

I want to capture the emotion behind the image. The image is just a reflection of the emotion, not actually a true representation of it, it will always be biased and tainted with experience.

The image will never be the emotion.

I want to time-lapse photography all of this. But not this. THIS.

and that�s just it. where do you compromise feeling/breathing/being it in order to keep it for longer.

always wanting another bite, just to hold onto it for a little long before it slips away. so we create an image that will never do the feeling justice, merely recall details of the feeling in muted tones for some fucking morbid longevity to make us feel like it was all worth it as long as we have evidence.

fighting the urge to create evidence, because it's killing the feeling little by little. there is only so much you can have while you are standing back taking pieces home to file into the scrapbook of memories and experience.

so it comes down to time, living in the feeling not for the feeling.

-my hands clutching at sand watching it fall through my fingers worrying about it disappearing, forgetting what the tiny grains felt like the whole time-


the then the now