

city city lights...

You know that feeling when you are sitting at your desk just shuffling paper, arranging and re-arranging pens and clips - dreaming up new ways to make the day pass quicker....

suddenly, someone places some papers on your desk and your mind shuts down...

you stare at them blankly, mind ticking over desperatly searching for answers.... *ding* nothing.

Your mind is just screaming FUCK!!!!

you have absolutly positivly no idea what to do with this pile of papers, no ways or means to turn it into the gleaming bound document that is required of you.

I have to giggle, because my inner dialogue fights with itself when this happens.. 'try this' 'no try this instead' 'just run away' 'phone a friend'.

I wish my office had a life line option, where I could phone a friend to fill in while my rational mind takes a holiday in the stationery cupboard.


the then the now