

She's so tough , c'mon rip her to shreds..

Dear fatalistic pull of the universe,

Please stop bringing unnecessary day old drama into my life.

I mean, I enjoy a spanish soap opera as much as the next girl but c'mon - I cannot fathom answers nor responses to this little twist, nor the events unfolded.

Should I thrust my palms skyward and shake my head furiously - cause thats all I got here.

Fatal pull, perhaps you were trying to tell me something - that a leopard never changes her spots. But gosh, did I really have to witness that outpouring of physcotic and utterly unbeliveable behaviour?

and I tried to believe that she had nothing vested in me, nothing laying on my like I was her pot of gold. and really it's fools gold for all but a few.

fools gold sparkles but it ain't the real deal will never shine and melt from your warmth.

Please delete the history or create a lesson in this because right now it all seems like a crazed straight to video mini series. When really it is all just... details.

With Love and Regret

xo Megan


the then the now