

This was never meant to sound like a preach, more so a rant, but I feel these writings are boarding on preaching. and I hate preachers, I hate propoganda and I hate hypocrites. (this is some form of for warning to a degree, to a small degree, but a degree all the same)

I guess the somber tone for this entry is set.





why can people not face thir feelings, if they are truly real and deeply threaded throught their physce surely they can be justified. These feelings, intial or otherwise, feelings that occur during a process must be expressed.

Fear, hurt, betrayl- the results when true feelings are not expressed, or worse still justified.

If you feel you can justify, if you justify some things can be lessened, if you justify you HAVE integrity, of you fail, there is simply no reocurse. It is all cause and effect the most basic of human perception.

Maybe I should write a book (ha!) about the rules of life, maybe a few should be these

Don't be rude, arrogant or self rightous, if others see you doing this there will be no other action but total disdain

Be nice to your mother, wash behind your eyes and don't decieve people

dance long and hard and remember time (or in other cases ointment) heals all wounds

and all the coloured girls go do do do do do da do do do do do do do do do dddooooooo


the then the now