

Holiday tomorrow, it's a slight anti-climax really. I guess the body goes into shutdown before the actual event has hit, you know, go into holiday mode before holidays are offical and ends are tied. My mind has been in holiday mode for about 2 weeks now, I am quite content, I had major exams, but holiday mode took over, it helps I guess.

Maybe the whole holiday thing is like christmas, you get really excited (well progressivly less when you grow older) in the weeks leading up to xmas, you know have dinner in the city wirh friends in amongst the chrissie lights, you visit santa and sit on his knee in the department store, you go tree shopping, and you wear glitter and tinsle in your hair. After all this the day arrives, usually you have to get up at the crack of dawn in order to prepare for the onflaught of Family Feaud when the rellies come over, you have to cook, clean, cook and clean it all again, clean the bathrooms, then use it,, then clean it really well cause you got a call that Great Aunt Grace is coming around and she is fastidious about the way a bathroom is. You stress, stress, then drink, eventuallyh get drunk and by 2pm in the afternoon xmas is generally bearable,, you sit with a belly full of booze and at my place prawns and laugh and wear stupid paper hats and swim in the pool.

I guess I am getting softer, I don't like the xmas pizzazz but it gets to ya,, and holidays do too,, these holiday will be just fine but I am a little reluctant to go.

Maybe this reluctancy has something to do with Mr X, I won't see him for a while, a few weeks and that must be getting to me in some odd.. odd way. I saw him tonight again, my heart hasn't stopped yet, what does that mean? Maybe it's a good thing, I don't want to fall too far... maybe I don't want to fall at all.

"I'm just a new wave, new wave girl

with a new wave guy"

Thats right .

the then the now