

The world is made of stories not atoms

Nail colour: Red with silver glitter discs

Tonights soundtrack: Weezer

The latest has been much the same, same shit different day. Get up go to work, get dressed go to a party and get wasted with Mr x, come home and repeat above for the last 4 weeks.

Life is pretty good really. I mean Mr x and I are working out fine, I feel really conmfortable with him and thats such a beautiful feeling really, it's just very very right at the moment and for now all is well.

I know, I always add the 'for now' thing. Thats a women thing though right.

I have a problem tho that occured last night in that Miss Y whom really have a thing for me, and whom I nearly was with at schoolies, is very pissed at me because I bring Mr X along to all our shindigs. And fair enough we were all over each other last night, but still. She was pissed off and I went to touch her and she was all "megan don't fucking dont" and then she kinda rejected me and pushed me away and got really shitty and then cried.

well thats that I guess, so well there isn't much you can do about that, I guess a lost love once rejected, thats it really, she just has to get over it.

and the moon is round, and the sky is blue and my bed is looking very fammiar and good


the then the now