

" Theres the girls with Cherry Chapstick on and nothing more" Yo La Tengo

Tonight's soundtrack: Yo La Tengo

Nail Colour: Pink foil

Mood: My life as a movie


Sometimes lately I feel as thoough fighting against the establisment is so useless and so absolutely retarded that I don't even try anymore. I told Anaki today that I didn't want to fight anymore,it's just that I have nothing to fight about because in the end unsless you are Bill Fucking Gates you're not going to make a hell of a difference.

Like S11 and Resistance and all of that,., yeah fight corporate tyranny... just don't kill thoussands of trees printing your fucking leaflets you urban wannabe hippies. Ugh. too many leaflets and they blame the goverment of publishing brainwashing biased propoganda.

I dig their cause, it's just lateb I don't dig their method and their motivation.

Condensed: I'm over it. Fighting.

except today I had the urge to write an abusive letter to this cock in my electorate (:elections tomorrow thou ain't going to change a THING granted) who is a) LIBERAL and B) anti-abortion. And he gets on his little soapbox about we are killing 100 000 people a year in abortions and if elected he'll makes them big time ilegal. and going on to say that more people die this way than heart disease. FUCKER.

I won't even get into whats wrong with that statement on SO many levels,, not only is he morally wrong he is also big time wrong on the legal issues regearding abortion. Ugh he makes my blood boil, and what would this aging white balding middle class little fucker know about the world outside of his fucking country club anyway... ugh ugh ugh.

breathe breathe,, it won't be long now breathe breathe


That said I guess I do have passion,,, ha, who was I kidding,, it runs thru my veins and keeps me going.. really there is too many possibilties to end anything ever.

Spain. I've decided that this year I am going to Spain. And I will. Thing of the architechture, the art, the food and the shopping. Gin and Lime killing time. Sound good. Bliss.


Good night Cherry Bombs

Be Well


"If I should die this very moment I wouldn't fear, cause I've never known completeness like being here" lamb


the then the now