

It's easter, a non-specific holiday really. I mean I'm not Jesus crazy or anything. I didn't realise those yummy hot x buns can't be siold after saturday or friday. I went to the bakery on Sunday and there was none, I was dissapointed, those little buns make me quite happy.m Oh, except the ones with the mixed citrus peel, they are awful.


Cass was telling me that she went out the other day with Simon Tediski (spelling?) he is an accalimed pianist in Australia, he won the Young Performer of the Year last year. And apprently he is a really rocking guy. Chatty, friendly and into fully rad shite.

So Simon was saying that he picked up the phone the other day and thise voice on the other end goes "hello this is your holiness" and he's thinking this doesn't sound like the pope and the guys goes on to say "his holiness the Dali Lama". That is so rad, I thought that was really something getting a call from the Dali Lama for a chat and to ask him to play.

Thats was REAL talent will get you right, not just a recording contract and media superstar stautus in this country, and being of top of the fucking pops, but true talent grants you the opptunity to meet people with TRUE talents who are revolutionary and magical.

I though that was so rocking


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