

"I wonder what clothes you wear to school, I wonder how you decorate you're room..... why are you so far away from me?" weezer

Tonight's Music: The Gentle Waves

Tonight's Mood: Break Through

Excitement Plus.

I did it. I broke into the cool group at Uni. The fringe group the group that Jack and his punk rock friends call 'Pansy' and 'Arrogant wannabes'. The group with POP BOY in it. The group that makes me swoon.

So I was talking to jack in the bus line. There were no seats so I couln't sit with jack. But there were plently with only one person sitting down. I could have choose anyone. But ofcourse I bravely chose the little guy that is POP BOYS best friend.

I sat down. He acknowledged. There was silence, and then

Little Guy: You do Blah Blah subject don't you?

Miss Megan: Uh huh, yeah have you done the assessment for tomorrow?

And the conversation proceeded from there. For the next hour. We almost missed our respective lectures. He is lovely.

I don't know why I'd never spoken to him before.

He said "You know, I've seen you round for ages and have always wanted to speak to you"

Miss Megan: "well I am happy that I spoke to you then"

Him: "so am I"

Then I got introduced to the rest of them. Except POP BOY wasn't there. which is kinda good because it might have looked like I was trying too hard.

His name, the little guy is Robert. he likes Belle and Sebastian and The Cure. And told me I had good taste in music and likes my pink leg warmers.

Oh and he is who I thought he was. he is in this band who I have seen play a few times. I dodn't let him know that. I will when we next speak.

The chick in their group is Julie. She seems great.

Finally some people to connect with on a level that is not Totally inane and rubbish.

Ahh bliss.

And now a weeks holiday. Yes! Annaki and I are going to see some bands, get drunk and play some pop music.

"They don't make stationary like this where I'm from so fragile so refined"


the then the now