

"You look like a librarian that never leart to read" Gerling

Tonight's Music: Mouldy Peaches

Tonight's Mood: My swelling heart can't take this happiness

Okay so here is this weekend. Here is last night. I have to document it before I forget.

I am in total awe. I think that the last year of mainly confusion has kinda been worthwhile now. This is what I have been leading up to.

So I meet at Annki's house, Miss Marni is there. By total chance we are all wearing pink and white. We look mother fucking movie star pretty.

Go off to the graduating students art exhibition. Martha's work is there.

Walk in, old high school teachers see us, and treat us nice, like we are trophy's like glimmers of hope that they created something good in their lives, like we are a product of their genius. we feel odd.

See Martha's work. I burst into tears.

They are hugh paintings with text. One says "For those of you who remember, I love you" and another says "The seeds of my youth weren't planted properly" and another "I have lost the sparkle I had for you"

awwww. Gosh. It was just beyond great. She's always been great but not verbally great. Just brilliant with no one around her to foster it. It's all come from within. her work was so personal and from the heart. it made me so happy, I need something stronger than tears.

Move from the exhibiton to Paddington to see Robbie's band perform. Robbie is pop boys best friend. The one I am kinda friends with. The one always thought was super cute, and now I totally am smitten.

There has always been something aloof and perculiar about pop boy, maybe total disinterest, I always tried to pass if off but last night it made it clear to me that he's not right for me, he's great and beautiful but not right.

So we walk in, go to the bar. Literally 2 seconds later I get this tap on my shoulder.

Robbie :oh my god, you came

me: yeah...

Robbie: But I didn't ask you to come, I mean.. I didn't tell you anything about it...... wow

me: yeah, we just thought we wanted to come and stuff

continue chatting. he was totally excited and stoked, like really happy that we came.

Then Miss Marni spots Chris H. Chris whom she took to our formal. Chris who we all know pretty well.

Turns out he is Robbie's best friend.

THANK YOU BRISBANE!!! You are so small and so connected. It's just perfect.

So I am already talking to Chris H. and Robbie comes over.

Robbie: Chris this is megan

Chris H: yeah... we have met, and gone out before..

me: uh huh

Chris: oh Robbie... you mean megan. this is THE Megan!!!!

Robbie (embarrassed) :yeah

they then spent the next five minutes trying to cover their slip up.

this means that Robbie speaks to Chris about me. he talks about me. I couldn't stop smiling. he's so super cute.

God. he is smitten with me.

GOD. This is so great, can I say again that he's super cute.

Then they play, they are pretty good. Kinda radiohead, nice keyboards and mashing guitars.

They are not my usual style. But good.

Robbie looked so great on stage. Like SO great.

later Robbie and I are talking and Chris walks up to him and taps him on the shoulder

Chris: hey Robbie it's all thanks to the Cure shirt man.........

The first time we spoke Robbie was wearing a Cure shirt. and commented on it.

he must have told chris this..... WOW.

then left, Robbie left early and we caught the bus back to the city. I will email him, I got his address and we might meet. well we will.

Then we went out to this cocktail party which was at the very lovely Riva and Adams house.

Riva has everthing rainbow Bright. And donna's stuff and I am jealous. But they are great. And Dale was making cocktails called "Jet Lee" and I laughed and none of us could stomach them.

annaki and I went into the valley then to try to fuck shit uo.

ended up walking around and seeing bitches from high school eing off their dials.

went home. bed.


Sunday (today)

Jamie Oliver.

Thats right the Naked Chef was doing his love show at QPAC.

I am smiling still.

he cooked. Rode his vesper. Played the drums. danced

called everyone Mate, darl. kitten,

said "Pukka Tukka"

and he was super cute.

and he showed wedding videos of him and Jules.

he dealt well with hecklers.

he was brillant, he deserves all the success he gets.

He is amazing.

and was wearing diesel jeans and trainers.

ohhh tooo good....


the then the now