

It's like a song thats never been written.

The song of this mess, written in single phrases strewn about my record collection... yet not one whole, whole enough to comprise all the scatter and the mist.

How do you speak or write the words of a violin playing, of the sound when fingers scratch against guitar strings, that noise that lies somewhere between vulgar and heartbreakingly beautiful.


Last night was the closest thing I have come to High School since leaving high school.

It was a friends dinner thing. And who turns up, but a former friend who I had pretty rudely snubbed on the boat cruise the other weekend.

So she sees me, and the look on her face is worth capturing on film. We were either going to fight it out, or pretend the incident had never occured.

We did the latter, acted like 'adults' and generally tried to not bring down the tone of the evening with our bitterness that was trying to resurface at every turn in the conversation.

we ate at the great Thai place and after some time she turns to me and says "do you want to share a bottle of wine?" 3 bottles later it was all said and done, without words being spoken, our difference had been put to rest. Never doubt the power of chardonay on a sleepy Brisbane Tuesday night.

We then went dancing, and had cocktails. And laughed at the Scenesters having their crack at Karaoke. No amount of hair product or tsubi jeans could make then look any less pathetic, they were drunk, tripping over their new school cool mowhawks and frantically trying not to show their arse, hiking up their Sass and Bide jeans.

*he he*

we took photos and I basically had to peel my kittens heels from my swollen feet when I finally got home.

Only one of these girls I had kept in touch with, but it was like just befroe, except we had cars and wine, but kylie was still on the stereo and the people and things we talked about were the same, just the situation had changed.

I don't think I could do it every week, but once in a while, it's like feeling you haven't lost it.

It being what I had in high school.

and am so desperatly trying to recapture.......


the then the now