

I have been lying under our newly erected Christmas tree for the last few hours.

Gazing up at the lights, amazed at how they twinkle when I squint my eyes and wrinkle my brow.

The way that tinsel glitters and shimmers as the little shards of light touch it.... the same way that fresh lipgloss shimmers on lips.

My hand reaches up to spin the golden glass baubles.... and watch as their shadow is cast against the mantelpiece.

I shake at the tree and hear the tiny decorative bells ringing...... I keep shaking until the bells are violently clanging.. then abruptly stop and listen to the dying strains on their song.

If I look closely enough I can see glimmers of the angel's white tulle skirt who adornes the tree top. I can see the outline of her halo and the profile of her delicate porcelin face.. with the rosebud mouth.

Every year since I remember I have sat transfixed below our christmas tree the very first night it's glittering lights are turned on.

The floor which the tree is placed upon have changed over time.... the tinsel fresh each year, the lights replaced when too many bulbs are blown but the feeling is still the same.

warmth, and comfort.


the then the now