

"Eighteen years old. What a farce a birth certificate is. I was a hundred and eighty when one of the girls massacred a sonata in kindergarden" Violette Leduc

Today was a briliant Tuesday.

Spent antique shopping. Oooost.

Coats, shawls, glittery things are far as my eyes would let me see. Hats, hat pins, pearls and saucers. The sweetest little brooches and tea sets, feathers and fans, and silk gloves that do up on the side with pearls.

Chairs with fat velvet cusions, lamps with thick pink tassles, chase lounges, cashmere sweaters, hair pins, drop waisted dresses, war pins and letters, 1940's american nylon stockings still in their box these are stockings that would have been sent to war time wives.

we touched everything, ran our fingers through the shawls, tried on every hat, picked up all the saucers and pressed all the fabric to our soft cheeks.


so much love and goodness.

we asked ourselves the question "Is it wrong to own old photos of someone's dead husband?"

I could spend my life with old things. they have stories to tell and people they have been with and a lifetime of memories waiting to be added to by yours.

I want furniture.

I want to be 19 years old and own a china cabinet filled with pretty saucers and 30's fabric and tablecloths.


I AM going to be 19 years old and own a china cabinet.

another added surprise was a fairy shop. yes I know. usally I hate this , I call it hippie trash. But no. Today it was like an magical place, it took us off the street and into another world, filled with pin lighting and glitter and tu tu's and a unicorn that sings "how are you, how are you?" in this tune that made my heart melt....... a singing plush unicorn.

and then we ate at a cafe that sold dutch tea cakes. I was so thrilled, I have only ever seen them come out of my grandmothers kitchen..... granted this was not as good as hers but a lovely surprise all the same.

finally there was daqueri's on sunset.

I have said it before, but I'll say it again ........ perfection like death is imminent.


the then the now