

"Instead we just talked about the people we have met in the last five years and wonder if we'll know them in ten more" Death Cab for Cutie.

I got fever.

and it ain't the kylie kind either. or the one I get when looking at antique pretty things.

It's hard to shake. I have some drugs on hand. yes it will be well.

I haven't left the house for days. I sit here and listen to the kids playing in my street, hearing them yell out and giggle and then scream as they fall out of a tree or from their bike.

I really want rollarskates.

I really want the kids in my street to rollarskate

why doesn't anyone rollarskate anymore?

I have the entire rollar ensemble. minus the goddamn skates. I have the visors, the shortt skirts, the co-ordinating ribbon, the knee-high socks. So why oh why don't I have rollarskates??

I got real jealous today when I read someones journal which said they got rollarskates for christmas that were white with red flames up the side.

I could learn to hula hoop and rollarskate at the same time.

That would make me queen of the block party.

(and why don't we have block parties here with all that neighbourly goodness?)


I have a hankering to go shopping, well really to do anything... and I miss my friends, and Miss Anna leaves for Perth tomorrow and I haven't seen Mister David in what seems like eternity.

I even contemplated seeing a crap film tonight with my brother just to get out of the house, but really no one needs to see my sallow skin right now, or my shaky legs.

Be well all of you. Esp to those I haven't fleshed in some time. Big love from my bedroom, I just don't want you all to get this illness. we will flesh again soon, I promise, when the drugs do their job. and when you are back from Perth.


the then the now