

"An arrangement of strangers, tables and chairs

Tobacco and wine left me fuzzy upstairs

But what weak minds prevent well hard proof may allow

Did my eyes have a spark that they seem to have now

A blurred photo taken that eve holds not a clue

On the last night of not knowing you"- Mister Darren Hanlon

Keywords for the weekend: Rain,Misty Eyes, Long island Ice Teas, Mister Darren, girlies, smouldering eyes, cigarettes, dressed to kill, shower hair, flashing eyes, quick comments, cuddles.

Tonight curled up like a kitten in blankets and books, listening to the rain on the roof and making sense of it all -just for tonight.

We are all more than the sum of our parts, sometimes I forget that, we are infinitly more if we make it more.

If you hit someone harder with more than the assortment of shoes you wear, and the way things co-ordinate, and your grasp of adjectives and verbs.

Being the Adjectives, doing the verb.

Being everything. ever. to everyone.

We are more than everything we want to be.... by making it.

and try not to forget that overtime we can be more than just a flicker in a film.


the then the now