

Don't let it die....what you wore.

Born in the 1980's. Now dressing in 80's rags that I don't remember being in fashion.

I just remember the early 90's shame out. And revel in the fact that now.... it might just be okay.

Seriously considering not considering cicumstance when dressing for the day.

I want to edge closer to the point where situation will not affect the theme of this.

Dress ups is my favorite game, something I have never grown out of. I couldn't if I tried.

With each purchase there is that little subconcious desire to refill the costume chest once treasured as a child, and then discarded once you hit school age.

I buy things because they make me happy, because I can't leave them sitting there on the shelf, because if I saw another wearing/doing/loving it I would be gripping the arm of my companion with hushed breaths and 'oooohhhhhs'.

because even if they sit in my wardrobe for all but one night of the year.. even if I can't leave the house, walk comfortably, bend over or sit down it's wonderful for that one moment when I can be someone else, when I can pretend the clocks are set decades back.

[we are in another time on the other side of the world]

When I can sigh and make it like it is in the movies.

it's not vanity. It's make believe.


the then the now