


"I broke something today, and I realised I should break something once a week to remember how fragile life is" - Andy Warhol.

the old ladies that surround me remind me of fragility. paper soft skin that smells like talc and roses.

and I am smacked in the head with this thought: vibrant vitality

I am breathing deep hard breaths. There is years to stretch ahead. my being should be anything but fragile.

but maybe it needs work, a little shaping, some gentle coaxing. because I am better than this grey sky. because the clouds are lined in pink and glitter and chocolate.

and when I look at myself through her eyes I realise the position she is in. and I resolve.

she is my glitter, my pink and my chocolate.

and I want to throw glowing rays of love tinkled light for us both.


the then the now