

Peace Now

'Reno Dakota there's not an iota of kindness in you
You know you enthrall me and yet you don't call me
It's making me blue Pantone 292

Reno Dakota I'm reaching my quota of tears for the year
Alas and alack you just don't call me back
You have justdisappeared
It makes me drink beer

I know you're a recluse
You know that's no excuse Reno
that's just a ruse
Do not play fast and loose with my heart

Reno Dakota I'm no Nino Rota I don't know the score
Have I annoyed you or is there a boy who Well he's just a whore
I've had him before
It makes me drink more" S.M


There are 15 days left of the working year. count em loud and own it. That is about 120 hours give or take a few wasted and some lost.


and she said there is no Big L. there is no Big L but there is little kindness and flicker fast and furious and late late into the mist and the night. there is concern and abandon and ruthless recourse. there is little to nothing but something is nothing that echos in my head over the coffee machine rythmically on the hour every hour these 40 hours. don't let her escape and fall through the cracks and fall into me. YES white peach light NO to heavy darkness falling upon both of heads with lament. .

the then the now