

chica chica chica..smashthestate.

This morning I sat in the cold and the rain with thousands of other Australians, across the country to express our concern at changes to Industrial Relations laws in our country.

It is always so moving to see people gather in mass, and makes you realise that in your contempt you are never alone.

It was highlighted just what a dangerous move our government has made in changing laws that will directly effect workers on a daily basis, whilst also making radical changes to international laws.

May it give rise to more contempt and direct repercussions in 18 months time.


People that stand up whilst talking on the phone to feign importance are actually very unimportant.

---------------------- I have started writing a series of self portraits. Someone once told me only lonely people make self portraits. I think the need to document becomes a preoccupation for everyone, not just the lonely. This coupled with letters to a dead friend.... xo .

the then the now