

causing mis-chief....

Festive Season in Sunny Brisbane
hot hot and steamy and sultry all things to make for causing trouble and startin fires in chest cavities

Today I made my first batch of apple mousse
This is perhaps the largest responsibility I have even been handed

But still the thoughts of the terrace houses and tree lined streets tug at my heart strings and make for me wanting to catch giant aeroplanes right back to melbourne town

because absence makes the heart grow fonder- my love affair with that fair city is far from nearing an end

but don't wish away the time you have

tonight my life crystalised for a moment when looked up to see my grandmother feeding her dog plastic cheese and my mother mouthing words out aloud as she wrote in a journal.

Is is any wonder I am, how I am?

Merry Christmas and most importantly a rockin NEW YEAR.

love and kisses and love love love



the then the now